Saturday, July 3, 2010

Red Vs Blue

Recently I've become obsessed with a show on Youtube called Red vs Blue by Roosterteeth. This show is based on the game Halo which I've never played before but I've heard its pretty cool. It's been running for 8 seasons and it's a really super funny comedy, but most people have never heard of it. I decided to explain what its about:

Blue Team:

Church - leader of the Blue Team after Captain Flowers died. Caboose kills him on accident over and over again so Church is a 'ghost'. but he isn't a ghost he is actually Alpha, an AI(artificial intelligence program) based on the Director of a freelanser program that was split into multiple personalities so there are different programs all based on him which got wiped out except for one in season 7. This one is a memory bank though and has a memory of Church which in turn brings 'Church' back into the show. Church is in denial of his true self up until he dies.

Caboose - Dumbest person on the entire team. Kills Church about a million times. Is super strong though and in love with Shelia, their tanks training program.

Tucker - The Ladies Man. In Season 5 he is impregnated by an alien and has an alien child who is killed in an explosive attack on O'Mally(read on). His favorite saying "Bo Chicka Wow Wow" took Captain Flowers armor after he died.

Sister - Doesn't show up until season 5 to replace Captain Flowers who died before season 1 even began. Is Griff from the Red Teams sister. Colorblind. She suposedly is killed by Lopez, the Red Teams robot in season 8 but we don't believe shes dead.

Shelia -The Blue Teams tank training program. Her name is actually FILSS but in a turn of events Church goes back in time he tells her that the name is Shelia. She runs most every program they run into.

Red Team:

Sarge - The boss of the Red Team. Hates Griff but can't seem to get him killed, has been in the Army forever.

Griff - The obnoxious irritating one, hes lazy and doesn't like to work.

Simons - A suck up and smart.

Donut - believed to be gay. has 'lightish red' otherwise known as pink armor. likes cooking and interior decorating, dumbest one on this team. Got pink armor when he killed Tex.

Lopez - The Red Teams robot. He can fix anything and at one time was taken by O'Mally when he was only a head. He only speaks spanish because Sarge messed him up when creating him. Sometimes they understand what he says and sometimes they dont its very selective. It also seems that sometimes hes pretending to only speak spanish.

Tex - Freelanser Tex. hired on to the Blue Team and technically considered a Blue. Used to date Church. Got special treatment when being equiped with her AI. Enjoys beating people up and in season 8 in the last few episodes she spends two whole episodes just beating them all up. We had thought she died trying to defeat O'Mally but soon find out that she was saved and then enhanced

O'Mally - Tex's AI program(he was based on rage, while Alpha is the original, Delta was logic, and the remaining AI who wasn't wiped out was based on memory) while the who became evil and was defeated when all of the AIs where wiped out

Wyoming - came into possesion of almost all of the AIs and when insane is now trying to find the one last AI because he can't control his powers without it.

Gary - Is working with Wyoming the entire time. tricked Church but was soon wiped out.

Washington - used to have the memory AI, and was a good guy trying to bring the freelanser program down from the inside, but he ended up in jail and will now do anything to get out even turn Church in to the Director. Is now working with Wyoming

Doc - The medic. Has been controlled by O'mally and is now being dragged around by Washington and Washington.

This show is set in a fake battlefield over the most undesirable peice of land in the universe, Blood Gulch, created by the Director to protect his original creation the Alpha. They are then at a point blasted forward in time by a bomb inside of Church.They then end up back at Blood Gulch, after encountering the AI war(where Tuckers kid and Tex are believed to have been killed) they are all sent to seperate places before being recovered by Washington. Then after they destroy the AIs and Washington is sent to jail, Church is destroyed and Tucker was never found, they are given new fake bases(which they are stupid enough to believe is real) then they go to the desert and save Tucker while Caboose puts the memory of 'Church' together. Then they go to a secret freelanser base where Church poses as the Director to get inside and they find Tex and get beaten up continously

Yes this obsession is unhealthy realize but its an awesome show which should be watched.

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