Friday, July 30, 2010

Bf (no mas la carte)

boyfriend(no more single)

beleive me, i've dated before, little romances a week, a couple days, but the longest i've dated a guy was 5months in all. After the first 2 i broke up with him. when we got 2gether again he broke up with me after 3 months. so now were even. not exactly friends, bc even though he can be a nice guy, he holds grudges, and he acts lik its an eternal cat fight with him, absolutly petty. im determined that this relationship wont end up like that.

this guy he's cultural, military: honorable honest worthy gentleman, intelligent, talented(plays the tuba), interesting(we can talk for hours), good-looking: broad-shouldered dark-haired gentle-faced, protective, Adventurous(fun)...ecetera

when he asked me out: "it was like a bad movie(she is looking groovy, as i fail miserably trying to get the girl all the bad guys want)" okay so maybe not like the last part as it was over the phone and im not that girl(sadly). but the bad movie is true:

guy: would you like to go out with me?
me: sure
guy: i wasn't asking, jus hypothetical
me: oh. ...uh i gues... so...
guy: this is awkward
me: well i kinda jacked it up to
guy: sorry
me: start over?
guy: i don't know if that will fix it
me: doesn't hurt to try
guy: ok, will you go out with me?
me: yes
guy: really?
me: yes
guy: okay


see it was like a bad movie(like one with that guy from Juno :P)

Monday, July 26, 2010

A Very Potter Sequel

I've always been a hard core Harry Potter Fan. J.K. Rolling is my idol. Of course I disagree with her killing off some of my fave charecters, but you know you get lost in these books and attached to the characters.
A Very Potter Sequel is a play for us hard core fans by SuperKidPotter on Youtube, the dementores go back in time to defeat Potter. What fan doesn't want to see that? It's a full series with like 104 videos so instead of posting them I'll just request that you check it out.

Sunday, July 25, 2010


I started using Pandora for my music and have decided that I <3 IT! All I have to do is type in a song(Cooler Than Me) or Artist(Mike Posner) and I get every song related(Beautiful Girls by B.O.B.) on a radio station just for me! If i don't like I song I push the dislike button(Shawty Say by David Banner) and it doesn't play it again, and if I like a song I press the Like button(Red Button by Mike Posner) and I can expect to hear it some more. It's the coolest radio ever!

Friday, July 23, 2010


I want to throw a Party before school starts back up...

Food - Pot Luck-Appetizers(make them bring food and drinks)
Music- Mix CDs play on Auroras or someones radio? you need anything else to keep people occupied?

  1. Alison
  2. Ashlyn
  3. Rachel
  4. Samantha
  5. Ariel
  6. Sanders
  7. Nia
  8. Amber
  9. Kacey
  10. Piper
  11. Josh
  12. Ricardo
  13. Elias
  14. Mason
  15. Tabi

...I probaly can't invite that many plus the 1st 5 are my besties so they'll have to help decide

Date and Time- Samantha won't be back till August 15 but thats the week before school starts can we have it that late???

Invitations- Text Invites? Allow them to 'Bring A Friend'? maybe...

Place- My house doesn't have a pool. Rachel's does. Sam's parents would probably say yes. Ashlyn and Alisons parents would probably say yes.

I want to have a party but the scariest thing is convincing my parents or someones parents...

Bad Day -Daniel Powter

Where is the moment we needed the most
You kick up the leaves and the magic is lost
They tell me your blue skies fade to gray
They tell me your passion's gone away
And I don't need no carryin' on

You stand in the line just to hit a new low
You're faking a smile with the coffee you go
You tell me your life's been way off line
You're falling to pieces every time
And I don't need no carryin' on

Because you had a bad day
You're taking one down
You sing a sad song just to turn it around
You say you don't know
You tell me don't lie
You work at a smile and you go for a ride
You had a bad day
The camera don't lie
You're coming back down and you really don't mind
You had a bad day
You had a bad day

Will you need a blue sky holiday?
The point is they laugh at what you say
And I don't need no carryin' on

You had a bad day
You're taking one down
You sing a sad song just to turn it around
You say you don't know
You tell me don't lie
You work at a smile and you go for a ride
You had a bad day
The camera don't lie
You're coming back down and you really don't mind
You had a bad day

(Oooh.. a holiday..)

Sometimes the system goes on the blink
And the whole thing turns out wrong
You might not make it back and you know
That you could be well oh that strong
And I'm not wrong


So where is the passion when you need it the most
Oh you and I
You kick up the leaves and the magic is lost

Cause you had a bad day
You're taking one down
You sing a sad song just to turn it around
You say you don't know
You tell me don't lie
You work at a smile and you go for a ride
You had a bad day
You've seen what you like
And how does it feel for one more time
You had a bad day
You had a bad day

Thursday, July 22, 2010

My Summer List

1. Dye hair a bright color
2. Peirce a second hole in ears
3. get contacts and wear sunglasses
4. make a youtube video
5. do the splits1/2
6. volunteer
7. throw a party
8. travel out of town
9. cut hair
10. make highschool t-shirts
11. go rock climbing
12. go to sixflags 6 times IIIII
13. Watch a rated R movie

Saturday, July 17, 2010

If I Could Say

part of me wants to give up
but the other part wishes to hope
that someday we can be together
and i wish i could say how i feel
but im afraid
of what you might say
but if i could tell you
i would say
i have dreams with you in them
im in your arms and your in mine
i would say
that you are the sweetest person
and you make me smile all the time
i just can't help but be thinking of you
now you've got a girlfriend
and your slipping away
you don't seem the same anymore
your always talking with her when i call
and im afraid we'll never be the same
and if i could tell you
i would say
i have dreams with you in them
im in your arms and your in mine
i would say
that you are the funniest
and you make me laugh all the time
i just can't help but be thinking of you
now i don't know if your worth it
if we should be together
or just stay friends forever
and if i could tell you
i would say
i have dreams with you in them
im in your arms and your in mine
i would say
how i feel
if you'd only listen
the way i feel about you is so different
than ive ever felt before
and your making me laugh
your making me smile
your making me so happy-
when we talk, when i even think of you
and if i could just tell you
i would say
i have dreams with you in them
im in your arms and your in mine
bu when i wake up
i know i know i know
that these dreams may never be real for me
but just maybe if i could say...
by a friend for her secret crush

Friday, July 16, 2010

Night Life

I went downtown to see the movie Despicable at the AMC theaters this afternoon. When we got out of the movies it was late at night. Downtown is covered in christmas lights! I ate dinner at a bar with my dad and his friend. I also learned that there is a underground club called City Streets underneath the Barnes N Noble!

Wednesday, July 7, 2010


I went to the Aquarium with my family and got to see lots of different animals:

sting rays

and my little sister and i got suveiners from the giftshop. She got a River Otter, and I got a Manatee.

It was lots of fun today :)

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Fair Treatment

I started watching the show HUGE on ABC Family, and its brought to light some facts I didn't know and also made me decide i should share some views.

People are judged for many reasons: race, ethnicity, culture, size, height, weight, sexuality, status, ability, ect.

NONE OF THIS MATTERS. He's gay, she's fat, he's black, she's buddist, he's short, she's goth, he's a geek.
Does any of it matter? NO!

not if your black or white or asian or mexican or middle eastern or native american
not if your catholic or christian or muslim or buddist or athiest or jewish
not if your fat or skinny or short or tall
not if your straight or gay or lesbian or bisexual
not if your a geek or a jock or a prep or goth or emo
not if your in band or football or cheerleading or chess club or glee club or a gamer


i will love each and everyone of my friends even though they are different than I am. That should make me love them even more, and I wish that others felt the same way...

Sunday, July 4, 2010

Lord Of The Flies

I'm taking Pre-AP English 1 freshman year, and for my summer reading I had to read Lord Of The Flies, the creepiest book of all time. The five main charecters are:






A group of boys from a british school are stranded on an island when their plane is attacked during the next world war.

As it starts out Ralph is the Chief, they have a fire to make smoke so they can be rescued, Piggy is the brains Ralph's right-hand man almost if it wasn't for everyone making fun of him, Simon quiet but smart he goes with them for everything important and he is absent of fear, Jack is leader of the hunters(choir) but hates Ralph with a passion for being Cheif, and Roger is quiet and secretive(Emo) and you don't understand the horrible signs given about him until the end of the book.

Then the unthinkable happens Jack runs off as a savage taking his hunters with him. Slowly the others follow cRaZeD. Till only four are left sane: Ralph, Piggy, and the twins SamnEric. Simon is dead, the savages killed him in a crazed dance and only the four sane people know it was Simon who was killed, the others call him the Beast rather than admit the truth. Then the savages lead by Roger and Jack, kill Piggy, take SamnEric hostage, and hunt for Ralph. Luckily Ralph is saved, yet slightly demented from fear, by a naval officer who saw the smoke.

It is the creepiest book in the history of the world! It also goes to show hunting meat is just the next step to hunting man. I wonder is it testosteron that drove them insane, fear, or lack of options? I think if it had a been a school of girls this wouldn't have happened, we aren't idiots.

  1. we would have set up a System: foragers, fire keepers, builders, water carriers

  2. we wouldn't hunt, if there is fruit we have no need for meat, and therefore there is no need for weapons which will only bring the end of us

  3. our council would make RULES and decisions to keep us all in line

  4. no one would turn savage as it is not in a womans blood, and we would stay clean and orderly, a place to bath and wash our clothes, seperate lavatory, seperate shelter

  5. if we were not rescued we would still survive in our own community without going back to the ways of prehistoric generations

we're smart about it this book prooves very few guys are and its very hard to beat an army of the mentally insane. :)

Saturday, July 3, 2010

Red Vs Blue

Recently I've become obsessed with a show on Youtube called Red vs Blue by Roosterteeth. This show is based on the game Halo which I've never played before but I've heard its pretty cool. It's been running for 8 seasons and it's a really super funny comedy, but most people have never heard of it. I decided to explain what its about:

Blue Team:

Church - leader of the Blue Team after Captain Flowers died. Caboose kills him on accident over and over again so Church is a 'ghost'. but he isn't a ghost he is actually Alpha, an AI(artificial intelligence program) based on the Director of a freelanser program that was split into multiple personalities so there are different programs all based on him which got wiped out except for one in season 7. This one is a memory bank though and has a memory of Church which in turn brings 'Church' back into the show. Church is in denial of his true self up until he dies.

Caboose - Dumbest person on the entire team. Kills Church about a million times. Is super strong though and in love with Shelia, their tanks training program.

Tucker - The Ladies Man. In Season 5 he is impregnated by an alien and has an alien child who is killed in an explosive attack on O'Mally(read on). His favorite saying "Bo Chicka Wow Wow" took Captain Flowers armor after he died.

Sister - Doesn't show up until season 5 to replace Captain Flowers who died before season 1 even began. Is Griff from the Red Teams sister. Colorblind. She suposedly is killed by Lopez, the Red Teams robot in season 8 but we don't believe shes dead.

Shelia -The Blue Teams tank training program. Her name is actually FILSS but in a turn of events Church goes back in time he tells her that the name is Shelia. She runs most every program they run into.

Red Team:

Sarge - The boss of the Red Team. Hates Griff but can't seem to get him killed, has been in the Army forever.

Griff - The obnoxious irritating one, hes lazy and doesn't like to work.

Simons - A suck up and smart.

Donut - believed to be gay. has 'lightish red' otherwise known as pink armor. likes cooking and interior decorating, dumbest one on this team. Got pink armor when he killed Tex.

Lopez - The Red Teams robot. He can fix anything and at one time was taken by O'Mally when he was only a head. He only speaks spanish because Sarge messed him up when creating him. Sometimes they understand what he says and sometimes they dont its very selective. It also seems that sometimes hes pretending to only speak spanish.

Tex - Freelanser Tex. hired on to the Blue Team and technically considered a Blue. Used to date Church. Got special treatment when being equiped with her AI. Enjoys beating people up and in season 8 in the last few episodes she spends two whole episodes just beating them all up. We had thought she died trying to defeat O'Mally but soon find out that she was saved and then enhanced

O'Mally - Tex's AI program(he was based on rage, while Alpha is the original, Delta was logic, and the remaining AI who wasn't wiped out was based on memory) while the who became evil and was defeated when all of the AIs where wiped out

Wyoming - came into possesion of almost all of the AIs and when insane is now trying to find the one last AI because he can't control his powers without it.

Gary - Is working with Wyoming the entire time. tricked Church but was soon wiped out.

Washington - used to have the memory AI, and was a good guy trying to bring the freelanser program down from the inside, but he ended up in jail and will now do anything to get out even turn Church in to the Director. Is now working with Wyoming

Doc - The medic. Has been controlled by O'mally and is now being dragged around by Washington and Washington.

This show is set in a fake battlefield over the most undesirable peice of land in the universe, Blood Gulch, created by the Director to protect his original creation the Alpha. They are then at a point blasted forward in time by a bomb inside of Church.They then end up back at Blood Gulch, after encountering the AI war(where Tuckers kid and Tex are believed to have been killed) they are all sent to seperate places before being recovered by Washington. Then after they destroy the AIs and Washington is sent to jail, Church is destroyed and Tucker was never found, they are given new fake bases(which they are stupid enough to believe is real) then they go to the desert and save Tucker while Caboose puts the memory of 'Church' together. Then they go to a secret freelanser base where Church poses as the Director to get inside and they find Tex and get beaten up continously

Yes this obsession is unhealthy realize but its an awesome show which should be watched.

Friday, July 2, 2010

Seen Through Another's Eyes

I've known most of the same people since the 4th grade, and still everytime someone meets my 27 year old Vietnamese stepmom I get either questions like "Is that your older sister?" or "Are you mixed?".

Once in history, a guy stated "there are 5 asains in this class" he points to a pretty asain chick with straight black hair(1). to one of my best friends, an asain chick with glasses(2). a RIPPED asain dude(3). A smart half asian girl(4) and then at me(5). I point at myself, "me?" "Yeah you are your Veitnamese!" "No she's not You've know her for five years how do you not know that? her stepmoms asain." says my bestfriend. Everyone in the class thought I was asain, and I realized if my friend hadn't said anything I would have been fine with them thinking that.

Today I spoke with my best guy friend, and he mentioned that I was asain. When I corrected him the first time he completely ignored me, the second time he realized that:

"I reject your reality and replace it with my own"

Isn't the world funny that it seems none of us have the same reality?

Thursday, July 1, 2010


-fight scenes were AWESOME! (training in particular was waaayyy cool!)
-thumbs up for Jaspers southern accent
-loved Rosalie's creepy flashback
-Jacob kisses bella #1 and "I kissed Bella and she broke her hand on my face."
-Jacob kissed Bella #2(particularly the HILARIOUS look on Edwards face.)

-the conversation between Edward and Jacob in the tent was NOT at all that civil.
-Where was the scene where Jacob ran away?(kind of important I thought)
-Why couldn't we have seen Carlisles past?(That was pretty awesome in the book)

Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Road Trip

My two best friends and I plan on taking a road trip around America and Canada ;) when we turn 18.We already have the route decided on:

Fort Worth TX-->travel through Lousiana(for some good casian food)-->Memphis TN-->Nashville TN-->Atlanta GA-->Venice FL(My friend owns a vacation house there)-->Orlando FL(Hogwarts)-->Myrtle Beach SC(it's a good vacation spot suposedly)-->Virginia Beach VA-->Washington DC-->Baltimore MD(Ace of Cakes)-->Philadelphia PA(Philly Cheesesteak)-->New York City NY(City of Lights, Broadway, Maddison Square, Family. EVERYTHING!)-->Boston MA-->Montreal Canada(legally wAsTeD, but don't worry we wont drink and drive)-->Toronto Canada(detour to Niagra Falls)-->Boat Ride :D-->Chicago Illinois-->Milwaukee WI(Cheese!)-->Minniapolis MN(the American Mall)-->Winnipeg Canada-->Seattle WA(detour to Forks)-->Belingham WA(pick up another friend who lives there)-->Vancouver Canada(get WaStEd with this new friend)-->Portland Oregon-->California(Red Wood Forest)-->Eureka CA(there isn't anything there but the name is so cool we have to drive through it)-->San Francisco CA-->Los Angeles CA-->La Vegas NV(can't have 'fun' but we still HAVE)-->Arizona(possibly stop to visit family, detour to Phoenix, must see the BIODOME!)-->Albuquerque NM(one of my friends has family there)-->Roswell NM(the aliens duh)-->San Antonia TX(Sea World)-->back home!!!

We have two months of the summer to complete this with 9 straight days of travel time, $1,000 for hotels and $2000 for food and $1500 for train fare, $60 for passports, $1500 for discovery greyhound passes or $4000 for all car fare
total is about $7000
but then there is recreation and emergency money :/ this is an expensive trip
maybe we will have to cut the trip short or add another person to our group... at this rate it will cost a good $10,000
thats about $3,400 per person :/
add another person and $1000 and its $2750 another and its down to $2400
but it would be so much fun when you think about it :D

Red vs Blue Qoute Favorites(watch it on youtube)

"Why in the h*** would you give someone CPR for a bullet wound to the head?!" -Sarge

"Look at it it's not pink. Its uh lightish red." -Griff
"Guess what? they already have a color for lightish red. YOu know what its called? pink"-Simons
"I hate you guys"-Griff
(luckily in a turn of events Donut ends up with the pink armor instead)

"Hey Tucker. Whu the h*** is my body still up here?" -Church
"That's part of being dead, maybe you haven't fully grasped the concept yet." -Tucker

"Hey Tex did you hear churches plan to tell the reds that you were uhh fixing the tank?...i dont think she knows. unless she can read minds. She can't read minds can she?... Can you hear what im thinking?" -Caboose

"Alright Omalhi this is it. From now on if anyone makes my girlfriend cranky and psychotic. its gonna be me."-Church
"Aww thats sweet."-Tex
"Shut up b****"-Church

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Girl Code

I am a strong believer in Girl Code. It's a matter of honor and integrity and sticking up for each other. You look out for your girls, you resect each others wishes. It's the security in knowing someones 'got your back'.

  1. Your girls come first(there's a more raunchy way to put that but we'll stick with this)
  2. You dont gossip about each other("a totally moronic rule that no one listens to" -The Nanny)
  3. Whats mine is yours(we share clothing, bras, parents. Everything, why cuz 'i lik ur shoes')
  4. If ur friend liked a guy before you its her choice on weither or not u go after him
  5. if your friend dated a guy before you its her choice on wither or not you can go after him
  6. if your friend got dumped by a guy dont go after him for it is therefore your duty to hate his guts as long as she does
  7. if u and a friend lik a guy at the exact same time, u either both drop it or its every woman for herself
  8. you must protect ur girls, if someone messes with them its ur job to mess them up
  9. if your friend needs you, its your duty to drop everything so they can cry on your shoulder and watch chick flicks with you(is it my fault that its usually for a break up?

Did I forget anything?


My best friend was going to come over at 4:00pm today. When she didn't show up I thought she was running late, so I called to make sure. It was 4:30pm then. No answer.
At 5pm I texted my mom at work to get my best friend's mom's number so I could call her instead. She didn't text back until 6pm.No answer.
I asked my dad for my best friend's dad's number at 6pm as well. No answer.
I start to worry, what could have happened that she's not answering? It's normal for her to not pick up the phone but she has never ditched me when we had plans before. Was she in a car accident, in the hospital?
I worried up until 7pm when my best friend calls me
"Sorry I fell asleep."


For a long time it seemed to me that life was about to begin- real life. But there was always some obstacle in the way, something to be gotten through first, some unfinished bussiness, time still to be served, a debt to be paid. Then life would begin. At last it dawned on me that these obstacles were my life.

~Alfred D. Souza

courage does not always roar. sometimes courage is the quiet voice at the end of the day saying " i will try again tomorrow".

~mary anne radmacher

Nurture your mind with great thoughts, for you will never go any higher than you think

~Benjamin Disraeli

It's not what you look at that matters. It's what you see

~Henry David Thoreau

"Rock N' Roll is the hamburger that ate the world"

- Peter York

Life Goals

  1. write and publish a book
  2. save a life
  3. work as an FBI or CIA agent
  4. speak a foriegn language fluently
  5. get a fashion design to the runway
  6. do interior design
  7. be the archetect to a building
  8. travel the world
  9. take part in a rally
  10. expose a criminal
  11. meet someone famous
  12. drive a Nazca C2
  13. adopt a child
  14. have an adventure
  15. attend West Point
  16. be valedictorian in highschool
  17. jump out of a moving vehicle
  18. go sky diving, and bungee jumping
  19. learn to play an instrument